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Tourism Promotion is an Opportunity for Economic Development

The conference “Tourism 4 Development: Opportunities that must be used” was organized on 1 February 2017 in Pristina, aiming to create a starting point for discussion between public, private and civil society stakeholders where tourism sector in Kosovo is headed. 

The findings from two surveys, one on the supply side and tourism exit in 2016 conducted by Riinvest and Novul Consulting were presented in the first part of the conference. In the second part, participants were engaged in discussion of the sector situation, and elaboration of a set of recommendations for the way forward. 

Kosovo Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry Avni Kastrati highlighted in his keynote remarks that Kosovo has a diverse range of tourism offers, and the sector is crucial for the economic development of Kosovo. 

The conference was organized by Democracy for Development (D4D) in partnership with Promoting Private Sector Employment – Swisscontact.