Dear Friends and Partners,
We probably lost accurate count of how many days we have been practicing social distance. We do not know how many more such days we are facing. In the meantime, we realize that the tools which will help us go through this together are empathy and solidarity, especially with the most vulnerable and facing higher risk.
Meeting immediate food needs – especially nutritious food – for people is one of the key concerns right now. This means ensuring continuity and security of vegetable production in Kosovo, both for the market and food processors.
The news from our partners in the food and natural ingredients sector have been positive and encouraging.
The new specialized seedling facility is co-financed by Agrobora and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), through the Promoting Private Sector Employment (PPSE) project.
This nursery also has ready 400,000 seedlings for cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, pumpkins and onions are ready for distribution to 30 large greenhouse owners and 2,000 smaller individual farmers.
With the lockdown across the globe, the tourism and travel industry has received a heavy blow.
To end on a truly positive note, this week our team received great news from the Donor Committee for Enterprise Development. Following an audit of our results measurement system in compliance with the DCED standard, they congratulated us for a very successful conclusion. The best motivation to continue onwards and upwards.
Stay safe and be well,
PPSE Team, Kosovo