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Swiss Ambassador to Kosovo Visits A Top Tourism Destination

A walk down 400 meters of the Nature Trail at the Bear Sanctuary in Prishtina with the Swiss Ambassador to Kosovo, Jean-Hubert Lebet. Today, the Ambassador and his spouse visited one of the country’s top destinations for both local and international visitors. The Bear Sanctuary Prishtina, some 20 km from the capital, combines animal welfare, sustainable tourism, and environmental education for all ages. The Nature Trail and Entertainment Park is the most recent addition to the area through a co-investment of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and the Vierpfoten Kosova.

It offers both recreational and education opportunities to visitors, adding to the attraction of the park. The recreational and education products such as the ant hill, labyrinth, bear cave, spider net, bird nest feature tables with information on each role and function. The project was implemented through the Promoting Private Sector Employment project as part of its activities to develop the country’s tourism offer.