New accommodation and leisure facilities near the Via Ferrata Berim to further improve the tourism offer in Zubin Potok.
Following the support a few years ago to design the trails of Via Ferrata Berim and train the tour guides and rescue teams, the partnership between the tourism initiative Outdoor In and the Promoting Private Sector Employment project of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation continues in 2021.
Through the partnership agreement just signed, Outdoor In will finalize accommodation and leisure facilities at the Berim Camp, to be built of natural materials such as stone and wood. These facilities will provide easier access to tourists, serve as an area to conduct training of new guides and rescue teams, organize sport competitions, summer youth camps, and other activities. This will improve the tourism offer of Zubin Potok, especially of the Via Ferrata Berim, which is the most significant tourist attraction in this part of Kosovo.