Starting from August 2018, paragliding will be offered to tourists in Prizren as a commercial product. What started as an initiative of enthusiasts of aero club Shkaba, drew the interest of the Municipality of Prizren, as part of its efforts to improving the city’s tourism offer.
Through a tri-partite agreement signed recently between aero club Shkaba, the Municipality of Prizren and Swisscontact’s Promoting Private Sector Employment project, this new product will be further developed to meet all standards for commercialization, and then be offered to all interested visitors in Prizren.
Based on the agreement, the Municipality of Prizren will contribute with provision of basic infrastructure, paragliding equipment storage and promotion. Through the PPSE support, the activity will create some 7 new jobs for pilots, more income for the service providers such as food and transport, and will result in making Prizren even more attractive as a tourism destination.