This week, Association ORGANIKA started the training program "Cultivating Medicinal Aromatic Plants and Managing Your Farm". This training is specifically designed for women farmers in this sector.
Due to the measures that must be taken and care shown because of the circumstances created by COVID-19, this year the training will be conducted online. The platform selected for the training is Viber, for several reasons. The training material is presented in short videos, which can be disseminated more easily via Viber. The women participants at the training can review these materials at their convenience; save thevideos on their mobile videos, and make use of them every time they need to. Also, group communication via Viber is easier should any questions or need for explaination arise.
At the end of the training the participants will be awarded with certificates.
This training is organized by Association ORGANIKA with the support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation through the project Promoting Private Sector Employment.