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New Report Assessing the Agriculture Support Scheme in Kosovo

“Agriculture is one of the rare sectors in Kosovo that has a strategy in place, although it is a broad strategy with general objectives around growth in the agro-food sector.” This was one of the findings in the assessment on the “Agriculture Support Schemes in Kosovo”.

The key finding of the report highlights the protection of natural resources and the environment of rural areas to improve the quality of life and diversification of opportunities and employment. One of the key recommendations is that support programs across value chains need to be thoroughly analysed whether they serve the purpose, and that both subsidy and grant programs should be coordinated to complete the value chain.    

The particular focus of this assessment was on the fruits, vegetables and medicinal aromatic plants sub-sectors to identify current issues in the support schemes, to evaluate the effetiveness of the current subsidy program, and identify and design potential interventions that could improve the impact of these support schemes.

Read full report here: