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Examining the Relation Between Hotels, Destination and Sustainability

The entire hospitality sector is crucial to the development and sustainability of destinations. This sector can be a leader of the destination and have a positive overall impact on the economy. These were among the key takeaways at a Swisscontact workshop of sustainable tourism in Kosovo on 10 October 2019.

The workshop brought together representatives of the biggest hotels in Kosovo and engaged them in a day-long discussion on the impact of hotel operations and what can hotels do to become more responsible.

Rron Jupa, owner at Çarshia e Jupave Hotel, Gjakovë, saw the value of the workshop in two aspects: networking and awareness raising. “I realized how our company can have a huge social, economic and environmental impact on the surrounding community,” he said. “As hotel manager, I will take measures to effectively increase the positive impact first by analyzing what a tourist might not find in our country and how to improve our service.”