An inclusive dialogue with the participation of the public, private sector and municipal authorities is critical for the development of any economic sector such as tourism in a specific region.
On 22 March 2019, the Municipality of Prizren organized a public hearing to present the draft-strategy for the development of tourism in this Municipality. Represented by the Deputy Mayor Eshref Memaj and the Director of Tourism and Economic Development Sevil Kazaz, the municipal authorities emphasized their commitment to this strategy and encouraged the discussion by members of the public and private sector on where this strategy is leading.
The detailed information on the content of the strategy that has been drafted based on the St. Gallen model for destination management was presented by Agon Nixha, an expert engaged by Promoting Private Sector Employment project to facilitate the process and the team comprising of local and international experts.
Members of the public present at the hearing asked questions and made suggestions on how to improve the strategy.
The draft tourism strategy for Prizren was supported by Swisscontact in Kosovo, in the framework of tourism sector development activities.