Seventeen chief executive officers and senior managers of food processing and confectionery companies in Kosovo became part of the nine-month program “Coaching for Growth”. This program is tailored for the needs of these companies with spwcial focus on new product development and increased capacities.
Through the “Coaching for Growth” program, these companies will receive a support package of services that enable them to upgrade production, learn from best practices in the region, and come up with new ideas for a sustainable future of the company.
At the second workshop, part of the program, Alberta Shala, Head of Finance for “Konditoria” company that produces sweets, said she is very pleased with the program. “I am learning a lot in terms of new product development and how to launch them in the market, coincidentally the stage we are at right now, so all this new information is useful to me”.
The “Coaching for Growth” program is implemented by CEED Kosovo, and is supported by the Promoting Private Sector Employment project.